You’re invited to help strike out substandard housing at Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity’s annual Bowl to Build event! All proceeds from the event support B/CS Habitat’s mission to build homes, communities and hope in the Brazos Valley. Bowlers of all abilities are welcome!
Register online today to secure your team’s spot! Registration fee of $300 for four includes three games, shoes, pizza and a pitcher of soda!
So grab your friends, get their shoe sizes and join us for three hours of epic gameplay! A team’s combined scores for the first two games will earn them first-, second- and third-place trophies. The team that finishes in last place after the first two games will also be recognized!
Tickets for some sweet raffle prizes will be on sale at the event, so plan on purchasing some when you arrive! And be sure to stop by the photo booth to commemorate the evening!
Thank you to our 2024 Bowl to Build Title Sponsor!

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