Community Builders Breakfast
March 6, 2025
Hilton Bluebonnet Ballroom
This is an annual, invitation-only event that serves as B/CS Habitat’s major annual fundraiser. During this event, there will be a short, inspirational program that will highlight past and future Habitat homeowners. This program provides us with the opportunity to share our success over the past 35+ years with the people of our community. Additionally, it allows us to highlight how this success has helped over 315 families in their journey from renting unaffordable, crowded, and substandard living spaces to achieving their dream of homeownership!
Community Builders Breakfast
This is an annual, invitation-only event that serves as B/CS Habitat’s major annual fundraiser. During this event, there will be a short, inspirational program that will highlight past and future Habitat homeowners. This program provides us with the opportunity to share our success over the past 30+ years with the people of our community. Additionally, it allows us to highlight how this success has helped over 300 families in their journey from renting unaffordable, crowded, and substandard living spaces to achieving their dream of homeownership!
Join us for breakfast!
Join us for breakfast at the Hilton and discover more about Habitat for Humanity’s affordable homeownership program. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore various ways in which they can contribute to the mission of eliminating substandard housing and building a better Bryan/College Station.
By attending this event, you will witness firsthand the impact of our success over the last 35+ years. Moreover, you will understand how this success has positively transformed the lives of over 315 families in our local community.
Are you interested in attending? Contact Carl Orozco for more information!
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!
The success of the Community Builders Breakfast depends on the generosity of our donors.
Thank you Davis & Davis for underwriting the 2025 Community Builder’s Breakfast, and thank you Stylecraft Builders for matching breakfast donations up to $40,000! We’re also grateful to Amarillo National Bank for sponsoring the Audio Video needs for today’s event.
Your support is critical to our mission of providing homes, communities and hope to our neighbors in Bryan and College Station.
If you are interested in underwriting a future Community Builder’s Breakfast, please contact Carl Orozco at to discuss what is involved.

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