Court-Ordered Community Service

What you need to know before signing up

Welcome to those that need to complete probationary or court-ordered community service hours!

About Court-Ordered Service Opportunities

Any requests regarding completed hours and verification, please send an email for assistance.

At Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity (B/CS Habitat), court-mandated community service volunteers (CSV) are warmly welcomed. However, it is important to note that the organization retains the right to evaluate and potentially deny participation to individuals requiring court-ordered community service hours, based on the nature, type, and specifics of their offense. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that B/CS Habitat is not involved in the specific court proceedings mandating the service, and therefore, the courts cannot compel the organization to allow an individual to volunteer.

Please note that the approval process, once ALL documentation has been received, typically takes a minimum of 3-4 business days. Because of this, we kindly request that you plan accordingly and send your documents to our offices in a timely manner.

Age Restrictions

  • Ages 18+: May volunteer independently
  • Ages 16 & 17: May volunteer independently at ReStore. May volunteer along with a parent/guardian/adult (over age 21) at a construction site. However, HFH does not permit this age group to participate in roofing, demolition, the use of power tools, or the use of ladders over 6 feet.
  • Ages 15 and under: HFH does not allow volunteers under the age of 16 to complete court-mandated community service

Online Orientation

Court-ordered community service volunteers MUST email their required documents BEFORE beginning any community service. Email documents to Ashley Groft with the subject “Court-Ordered Community Service.”

Online Orientation

Court-ordered community service volunteers MUST email their required documents BEFORE beginning any community service. Emil documents to Ashley Groft with the subject “Court-Ordered Community Service.”

Creating an Account

Each volunteer must create their own account. However, CSVs need to follow specific steps to prevent future delays when requesting their hours from our Community Engagement Manager, Ashley Groft. To access detailed instructions on how to register your account with our new software, please click the button below.

General Rules

Community Service Volunteers must adhere to specific rules and responsibilities at all volunteer sites. Furthermore, failure to comply with these rules can result in the refusal of your participation in future volunteer opportunities and potential removal from your current opportunity by Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity. To ensure a clear understanding, please click below to review the on-site rules for CSVs.

General Rules

Community Service Volunteers must adhere to specific rules and responsibilities at all volunteer sites. Furthermore, failure to comply with these rules can result in the refusal of your participation in future volunteer opportunities and potential removal from your current opportunity by Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity. To ensure a clear understanding, please click below to review the on-site rules for CSVs.

Reasons for Termination

HFH may terminate the relationship with a Community Service Volunteer (CSV) if they fail to comply with policy or engage in inappropriate behavior. Dismissal criteria encompass various factors, including but not limited to those outlined in the link provided below.

Types of Opportunities
Types of Opportunities

Construction Site

  • Restrictions: NO SEX OFFENDERS – this is not an exhaustive list, and Habitat may deny other charges.
  • Schedule: Tuesday – Friday (varies weekly) from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Saturday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Location: Changes daily

Habitat ReStore

  • Restrictions: NO SEX OFFENDERS, NO THEFT or ROBBERY, NO VIOLENT CRIMES – this is not an exhaustive list, and Habitat may deny other charges.
  • Schedule: Tuesday – Saturday from 10:15 am – 6:00 p.m.
  • Address: 2211 Maloney Avenue
  • Phone: 979-775-8122

Click the links above to sign up for Opportunities you are interested in.

Homes, Communities, Hope

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.