Global Village Guatemala Trip
January 5, 2019 - January 13, 2019
This winter, Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity will be leading a Global Village trip to Xela, Guatemala from January 5-13.
According to the World Bank’s Assessment of Poverty Report, poverty in Guatemala is both widespread and severe. Approximately 75 percent of the population is estimated to live below the poverty line, which is defined as an income that is insufficient to purchase a basic basket of goods and services. Almost 58 percent of the population have incomes below the extreme poverty line, which is defined as the amount needed to purchase a basic basket of food. Despite this, the people of Guatemala are resilient and resourceful. On our last Global Village trip to Guatemala last winter, we met and worked with some amazing Habitat partner families who worked diligently to improve their living situations. We are so excited to return to Guatemala and lend our support once again!
For trip details, go to https://habitatbcs.org/globalvillage/ or contact Jane Sherman at jsherman@habitatbcs.org, (979)823-7200 ext. 114.
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