The Juarez Family (l to r): Manuel(23), Mariela (31), Evelia, Angelique (9), and Roberto
Growing up in large families, both Evelia and Roberto fully understand substandard housing: both lived in small adobe homes in Zacatecas, Mexico where the floors were dirt and the beds were either quilts on the floor or makeshift mattresses shared with siblings. When the couple married they built an adobe home on land they received as a gift. When their youngest son, Manuel, was born with complication, Evelia and Roeberto knew they needed a change in the way they were living and to live in a proper home. Roberto came to the United States to start building a life for his family while establishing residency. After several years apart, Evelia came to the United States with their children: Roberto, Jr., Mariela, and Manuel. Their granddaughter, Angelique, was born in Texas.
Once reunited in the United States, the family struggled to find decent and stable housing. Currently, the family lives in a small trailer without heat or air conditioning. During the heat of the summer, the family finds things to do together outside the trailer. The family sometimes fears for their safety because the doors to the trailer do not close or lock properly. Although the family has had many hardships throughout their lives, they say as long as they are together and healthy, they can handle anything that comes their way.
The family is an active family outside the home: Roberto works full-time with BVS Construction while Evelia stays at home with Manuel. Mariela is working on finishing her education and looks forward to what the future will hold for her when that is completed. Angelique recently entered the 4th grade at Bonham Elementary School in Bryan. The family is looking forward to having get –togethers with friends and family in their new home.
The happiness and joy this family feels about the opportunity to own a home through Habitat for Humanity and thanks to the generous donations of their sponsors can be felt as Evelia describes falling to her knees full of emotion and praising the Lord for this blessing, and then calling Mariela to share the good news with her. For the family, moving to a home from a trailer will mean living comfortably, peacefully, and in a safe home. To their sponsors they want to say “Thank you. Keep doing what you’re doing. One day you will be blessed the way you have blessed us.”
The Juarez family’s home is generously being sponsored through a partnership with the Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association. This partnership, the 2016 Home Builders Blitz, brings together ten builders to sponsor and build two homes for two families in five days. Bryan/College Station Habitat for Humanity is grateful for this partnership and home sponsorship. You can still help the Juarez and Pedraza families with their dream of homeownership by giving to this build. Contact our Director of Development, Carl Orozco, for more information on becoming a home sponsor at 979-823-7200 x104 or by e-mail at development@habitatbcs.org.
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