Top L-R: Adeline, Edgar (5), Bottom L-R: Emilio (2), Jonathan (9)family. She is the mother of 3 boys: Jonathan (9), Edgar (5), and Emilio (2).
Born and raised in Jersey Village, outside of Houston, Adeline Perez relocated to the Bryan, Texas area in 2009 to be closer to family. She is the mother of 3 boys: Jonathan (9), Edgar (5) and Emilio (2).
A graduate of Remington College, Adeline enjoys her job in social work with the Salvation Army. Her older son, Jonathan is in 3rd grade at Ben Milam Elementary School and enjoys Legos, math, and building with his hands. Edgar, who just turned 5 in May, also attends Milam Elementary in their Pre-Kindergarten program, spending his free time playing sports including soccer and riding his bike. Adeline’s youngest son Emilio loves ice cream.
Safety and security are among Adeline’s biggest concerns where her family currently lives. In 2013, after seeing a stabbing take place in the apartment complex where the family resided, Adeline knew they could not live there any longer. She and her family were homeless, living on the couches of family and friends for a period of about 2 weeks until her mother was able to help her get into a small trailer in Bryan. However, the community in which the family lives now is not safe either, with people driving well over the 10 m.p.h speed limit and driving drunk, Adeline does not feel her children are safe to play in their own backyard.
All applicants who are accepted into the Habitat program must complete 500 hours of sweat equity before purchasing their new home. Sweat Equity includes attending financial education and home maintenance classes, working at the ReStore and the Habitat BCS office, or helping to build their own home and the homes of other Habitat Families. Adeline currently spends time after work and on the weekends working in the Habitat ReStore.
Adeline’s mother, her five siblings, friends and neighbors have been extremely supportive, babysitting her children while she accumulates her hours.
Adeline would like to thank her sponsors and all the Habitat volunteers for this blessing and for the opportunity to give her children a safe and stable place to grow and play.
On Saturday, June 25th, as part of our 2016 Corporate Challenge, we will be raising the walls on the Perez Family Home in the Angel’s Gate subdivision. If you would like to help a family, such as the Perez Family, contact our Development office at development@habitatbcs.org or 979-823-7200 extension 104.
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