Perez Family Home Wallraising

We are raising the walls of the Perez Family Home this Saturday!

For the past three-and-a-half years, Juan and Liliana Perez have lived in a two-bedroom, two-bathroom mobile home without central heating and cooling. In addition, their two children, Alexa (12) and Victor (10), have no outdoor play area. […]

By |2019-02-13T12:35:04-06:00Wednesday, February 13, 2019||0 Comments

Phillips Family Home Dedication

Come join us as we dedicate Gwendolyn Phillips’s home! We will have a short ceremony to mark this new chapter of homeownership in Gwendolyn’s life and have an opportunity to be the first guests in her very own home! To learn more about Gwendolyn’s story, go to

By |2019-01-17T15:54:51-06:00Thursday, January 17, 2019||0 Comments
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