Mendez/Montanez Family Home Dedication

Come celebrate with José Mendez and Deisy Montañez this Saturday! José, Deisy and their son, Cristo, are excited to receive the keys to their new Habitat house, with just enough time to settle in and prepare for their new baby due in a few months!  Their home will be a dramatic improvement […]
By |2018-10-24T12:44:01-05:00Wednesday, October 24, 2018||0 Comments

Meet the Rodriguez/Sotelo Family

In November 2012, Crescensio Rodriguez and his wife, Edma Sotelo, were expecting their third child. The couple and their two children, Gabriela and Jonathan, were living in Crescencio’s trailer, but they wanted more space for their growing family. […]

By |2018-07-26T16:44:27-05:00Tuesday, July 10, 2018|Families, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Meet the Rodriguez/Sotelo Family
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