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Richard and Susie Alvarado have worked and lived in Bryan, TX for over 20 years. They have moved often, trying to, but never successfully, finding an affordable rental for their family. Their oldest son, Phillip, 27, is now on his own, but their youngest three, Nicholas, 14, Ivan, 13, and Olivia, 7, currently live with them in the small two bedroom apartment they can barely afford with rents soon to go up again. Pushed out by raising rents, the Alvarados have lived with instability and insecurity for as long as they can remember.
This is changing this weekend as we raise the walls of their Habitat home! Under the B/CS Habitat’s homebuyer program, the Alvarados qualified for a 4 bed/2 bath home with a yard which will provide the much-needed space and security they have always been looking for. At the Community Builders Breakfast earlier this year, Susie spoke her heart’s desire, “We’ll provide a home for our children. Right now they’ll have room to grow, play and thrive. As they get older, they will have security as they decide what they want to do with their lives. Eventually, it will be handed down to them, so my husband and I can rest assured that they will always have a place to call home.” Watch her full speech here.
We are excited to be on this journey with the Alvarados and invite you to join us this Saturday to bring them even closer to their home!