Can I volunteer at ReStore?

Yes! ReStore accepts volunteers for a number of positions in the store, as well as certain types of community service volunteers. There is a ReStore volunteer orientation every Wednesday at 5:00PM for interested volunteers. Please contact ReStore for more additional information.

By |2013-01-28T22:12:24-06:00Monday, January 28, 2013|, |0 Comments

I am expecting a raise in salary from my current job; will Habitat take that into consideration when reviewing my application?

If you receive a raise before Intake and are able to provide supporting documents we will use this when determining your eligibility. If you cannot provide the proper documentation then we will only be able to use the salary provided on your employment verification form.

By |2013-01-28T22:05:28-06:00Monday, January 28, 2013||0 Comments
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