Click on their picture to learn about how the Lopez family’s lives changed when they bought a home with Habitat for Humanity.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own a home instead of renting? Sounds great, right? But if you don’t make enough money, it feels impossible to save enough for a decent sized down payment. That’s where Habitat comes in.
When you partner with Habitat, you help build your new home and your neighbors’ homes (learn more about sweat equity). When your home is finished, you buy your home from Habitat with a 0.000% interest, affordable mortgage. We build 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes. Prices range a bit depending on the size of your house, but you can expect to pay significantly less per month on a Habitat mortgage than you would if you bought a new home with a bank loan, and often far less than you would for a small rental apartment unit or mobile home. Not only does it cost less every month, but through Habitat you can look forward to the day when your home is paid in full and there is no monthly payment. Period.
Interested? Contact us and attend our next Homebuyer informational.
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